December 20, 2024
Dr Ben Attah Foundation is pleased to announce that the portal for the next round of Tertiary Institutions Scholarship Award will open on Wednesday, January 1, 2025 and closes on Monday, March 31, 2025 for applicants from New Light Covenant Church..
To make the job easy, all intended applicants are encouraged to follow the 3 simple steps as highted below:
Step1: Gathering Your Documents
- A copy of Church Membership Card
- A letter of recommendation from an ordained Pastor of the Church
- A Copy of Exam result from your institution.
- A copy of your JAMB result
- Reference letter from Head of Department/ Senior Lecturer
- A Draft Application Letter (maximum 500 words) for Scholarship highlighting the values you will add to the Church and the society at large.
Footnote: Please ensure that all email addresses and phone numbers (for you and the referees) as submitted are correct.
Step 2: Apply for the Schoplarship
a. Log onto https://drbenattahfoundation.ng/
b. Select the page on Scholarships/ Awards
c. Open the form that applies to you – tertiary Institution
d. Upload all your documents in the allotted spaces. The portal can accept up to a maximum of 10 attachments. Only PDF files can be uploaded.
e. Attach your application letter
f. Cross-check that all documents have been attached.
g. Press SEND. Application completed
Step 3: Post Application
o Disqualified & uncompetitive applications will be notified within 2 weeks of after closing the portal & shall be withdrawn.
o First level feedback shall be given within 60 days of portal closure.
o Awards shall be announced 3 months after closing the portal
For additional comments, complaints, reservations and suggestions – please send an email to: info@drbenattahfoundation.ng
Dr Ben Attah